Fine Art Fiber Sculpture

five fiber art masks VIEW FIBER ART SCULPTURE
pale green woven mask

Handwoven, hand-felted, plant-dyed sculptures

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woman deck weaving

Distance learning on the Weaving a Life process

About Weaving a Life

“Working with our hands to weave on a handheld Journey EarthLoom®, we align with our values in a process of recognizing, receiving, and living in harmony with our own deepest truths.”

“The inner life is like the vertical warp on a loom. The weft of our daily acts weave through our inner values and beliefs with each moment. The warp in a tapestry is hidden beneath the weft, but it is the warp that provides the inner strength to the fabric. Our inner being provides the strong guiding threads on which the pattern of our lives is woven.

“I’m fascinated by elemental weaving, the ground looms, the yurt felting of this ancient world of fiber work. The depth of the patterns, achieved in simple surroundings, are so profound, and to me are symbols of inner life.”

– Susan Barrett Merrill

Susan combines her expertise as a hand weaver and creativity coach to offer leadership training in the Weaving a Life process for those who wish to teach this process in their own communities.

About the Weaving a Life ClassApply for the Weaving a Life Class

smiling woman weaving on lap loom

First we connect the vertical threads of our body from the sky to the Earth. The horizontal threads are woven with every thought and movement in and out of time, day and night as we live our lives. When you feel those colors and that fabric emerging whole, forming under your fingers, you begin to understand your own real nature, empowering you to choose again, to experience a new perspective from the creator's point of view. Weaving a Life is a personal process for revealing the vision and gifts you already hold inside.

Our Story See Art to Wear